Fight fascism,
Build cross-wall power,
Subscribe to The Abolitionist!
Imprisoned organizers have offered some of the most perceptive warnings and observations about fascism over the years. Revolutionary prisoner George Jackson, for example, argued that the prison industrial complex (PIC) is the footing needed to maintain fascism in the US. In addition to writing about his experiences of racism that led to his imprisonment and the violent conditions inside prison, Jackson spoke extensively about how over 300 years of capitalism initiated fascism in the US and that the material conditions of the US made it a de facto fascist state for generations. He also offered imprisoned people and outside comrades guidance on how to resist together. George Jackson said:“The point is…in the face of what we confront, to fight and win. That’s the real objective: not just to make statements, no matter how noble, but to destroy the system that oppresses us. By any means available to us. And to do this, we must be connected, in contact and communication with those in the struggle on the outside.”
2025 marks 20 years of Critical Resistance (CR) building political relationships, sharing organizing resources, and fostering cross-wall collective consciousness and analysis for PIC abolition with imprisoned people through The Abolitionist newspaper. Now publishing two issues per year in June and November or December, every issue is free to people locked up in jails, detention centers and prisons internationally. A major organizing tool with and for people who are locked up, CR's paper is an important forum for prisoner voices and a valuable source of news and analysis on the issues that affect prisoners and state-targeted communities globally.
Not only a publication but a organizing project,The Abolitionist is now more important than ever with censorship and repression across prison walls on the rise. Due to an intensification and expansion of prison censorship across the US, prison media projects are dwindling and it is becoming increasingly difficult for outside organizations to send inside and share organizing resources and books with imprisoned comrades. In order to build the international movement we need to abolish the PIC and liberate our communities from fascism, we must build cross-wall power and strategy with imprisoned people, and The Abolitionist is a necessary tool for this work.
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Issue 42 on Anti-War Organizing What would it take to “stop the war”
when, in late-stage capitalism, war is constant?
From Israel’s ongoing, raging genocide on Gaza to US military expansion from Hawai’i to Puerto Rico – and the resistance struggles on all these fronts – CR explores the intersections between the military and prison industrial complexes and how communities internationally are resisting militarism with abolitionist strategies in the latest issue of The Abolitionist - Issue 42. See what's inside the issue here!
This month, CR is working to grow our paid subscription base by getting at least 100 new paid subscribers signed up, raising at least $1,000 for The Abolitionist to continue sponsoring free subscriptions for prisoners. So far this month, we've already reached 22 percent of our new subscriber target and 45 percent of our monetary goal. Will you help The Abolitionist grow past our year-end finish line? Subscribe today and get your own complimentary copy of Issue 42 in December!
Curious what other political education organizing CR has done in 2024? Read all about it on our website and use CR's free resources in your organizing!
In 2024, CR has worked to offer and distribute practical abolitionist organizing tools and provide political education support through workshops and trainings to a range of communities in order to resist repression across prison walls and build power against policing and criminalization. Learn more, use CR's tools, and donate today to support CR's political education work.
From all the political education organizing including two timely issues of The Abolitionist on ecological justice and anti-war organizing, to advances in the fight to close prisons in California and pass Dignity not Detention legislation in New York, CR continues to forge ahead toward even tougher political terrain in the coming years. Read all about the gains CR made in 2024 and why CR is needed in the fight ahead here.
This Holiday Season: Sustain CR & help CR raise $90,000 by the end of 2024!
For over 25 years, your contributions of time, effort, and funds have empowered CR to run campaigns against policing, imprisonment, and surveillance; create tools to strengthen abolitionist organizing and analysis; build and strengthen connections with movement partners across our interconnected fights; and more. Keep CR strong over the next decades of abolitionist work!