Top 10
Woke Leaders of the Military to Fire on Day One
To keep America safe the military must focus on warfighting and
unity, not woke ideology and division.
The military has become a cesspool for woke social
justice and LGBT ideology that has clearly impacted recruitment and
readiness. Since 1997, the United States military’s active-duty
membership has declined 39 percent. In 2022 the Army missed its
recruiting goal by an astounding 25 percent. A 2023 survey of Navy
sailors shows a significant reduction in morale since 2019, but stress
and burnout levels have severely increased.
Russia and China most certainly approve of what’s happening in
America’s military that is pushing woke ideology over military
preparedness. Clearly, woke leadership actively harms national
security and the new Trump administration must focus on cleaning

Recommends 38 Doses of Vaccines for Babies in the First 15
Babies today receive more than 10 times the number of vaccines
their grandparents did
The 2025 immunization schedule adopted by the CDC
director Oct. 24, 2024, exceeds the historical number of recommended
vaccinations for children by a wide margin. Whether or not these
immunizations will create a healthier population, the pharmaceutical
industry stands to profit handsomely.
In 1975, infants received 3 total doses of vaccines before age
5—the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines. A few other vaccines
were recommended for children but not until they became school aged.
Over the next two decades, many other vaccines came on the market. In
1995 the CDC recommended 25 total doses of vaccines for children up to
15 months old. With the latest updated list for 2025, babies will
receive 38 doses while still in diapers. If an individual takes the
CDC’s current prescribed vaccine regimen until their 18th
birthday, they will receive at least 95 different doses of

Spending Millions, Gun Control Groups Lost Big in
Gun control groups across America, which continually advocate for
unconstitutional laws, poured millions into the 2024 election hoping
to take away Second Amendment rights. They failed.
Democrats counted on a stunning $27 million from the
anti-gun lobby to help gun-grabbers win in 2024. What they got was a
total repudiation of gun control policies in the polls.
Despite the large cash infusion, Kamala Harris—the most pro-gun
confiscation nominee in American history—suffered a staggering loss to
President-elect Donald Trump, evidence that law-abiding Americans’
support of constitutional rights is stronger than ever. America's
decisive rejection of the anti-gun lobby may mark the end of the
Left’s decades-long crusade against the Second Amendment, and grant
Republicans a historic opportunity to permanently safeguard gun

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