Immigrants, especially undocumented workers, are on the frontlines of this pandemic, risking their health to help us overcome this crisis. For those who have lost their jobs, things are even more dire. Half of immigrant and undocumented workers have already lost their jobs due to COVID-19. There are more than 360,000 undocumented immigrant New Yorkers serving as front-line workers, yet undocumented workers who have been laid off aren’t eligible for unemployment benefits—and these workers and their citizen and legal resident family members were excluded from Federal relief, a total of 1.2 million New Yorkers in all.
Getting relief to the immigrants who have sacrificed for the safety of our communities is absolutely critical. Your help gets us closer to a reality in which each and every one of us can access COVID-19 testing and treatment, where we’re all eligible for the economic support we need, and can build a more just, more resilient safety net for all of us.
In solidarity,

Steve Choi
Executive Director