Every day another member of the House or Senate seems to be involved in a crazy scandal or demonstrates that they are too old or infirm to do their jobs. Yet more than 90% of incumbents are reelected! Fortunately, the American people now understand the problem of careerism on Capitol Hill and are joining our term limits crusade. North Carolina just voted to bypass Congress and call the term limits convention. In races across America where USTL educated voters about which candidates supported term limits, 222 of those candidates won. And, with so many more state representatives and senators who support term limits now in office, we are that much closer to the 34 states needed to bypass Congress and call the term limits convention. This winter is our chance to convince even more states to jump on the term limits for Congress bandwagon! We just need to take advantage of every opportunity we can to raise the money we need. So please, please make the very best donation you can today. Remember, every online donation made between now and Term Limits Day will be matched dollar-for-dollar by an incredibly generous donor. Our goal is to bypass Congress completely by convincing the states to call the Term Limits Convention and impose term limits on the U.S. House and Senate. We are making great progress. We've mapped out all the states we'd like to target this winter. We just need your help. Please make the very best donation you can today! Philip Blumel President U.S. Term Limits |