The agreement responsible for protecting 200,000 hectares of the Amazon each year is under serious threat.
Cargill and others agreed to stop buying Amazon-grown soy over 20 years ago. But days ago a soybean lobbyist group launched an all out assault to try to cancel the agreement and open the floodgates so companies are free to buy soybeans grown on deforested land.
If they’re successful, it could mean the end of the Amazon…but we’re going to stop them.
Public campaigning won this Amazon-saving deal and changed the fate of the world's most beloved rainforest. We can do it again if we urgently mobilize members and affected communities to face down the industry trying to end the soy ban. Will you chip in to help make it happen?
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Brazil is the largest grower and exporter of soy in the world! Before companies worked with activists and environmental groups to institute a ban on soy-related deforestation, they were systematically destroying Amazon forest to plant this crop.
The landmark ban has drastically reduced deforestation and created a safe haven for the Amazon's precious ecosystem.
But soy exporters want to make more money and they think the world isn't paying attention, so they’ve quietly asked the Brazilian government to end the deal. And now we have to prove them wrong.
A massive show of public support for the soy ban can ensure the government keeps it intact, and give this incredibly effective agreement another 20 years of life. Let's come together now to fund it, and other campaigns to save vital forests around the world.
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The protection of the Amazon requires unprecedented cooperation from many industries and multiple national governments. The only way that happens is if there’s incredible, global public support. Our community has been a vital part of that movement for over a decade. We can’t stop now.
Your donation will help power Ekō and our campaigns worldwide fighting for people and the planet.