On Sunday... God did what God does!
I gave an invitation for people in need of a miracle and many responded. We prayed and then God moved.
Many testimonies have flowed in but one of them I wanted to share with you.
You will want to watch this!
Watch the miraculous testimony here: https://youtu.be/QaAgtuN96gg
If you need prayer please visit: www.sheridan.church/prayer
Upcoming Events At Sheridan.Church:
-Sun, Dec 22 @10am: Christmas Concert
-Sun, Jan 12 @10am: Erick Stakelbeck
-Wed, Feb 26 @7pm: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
-Thur, Mar 6 @6:30pm: Eric Trump | RSVP: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/sheridanchurch/1493676
Please consider partnering with the mission of Sheridan: https://sheridan.church/give
Thank you,
Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer