Hi there!
Last month, you celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Together, we stood up for the change that is so desperately needed in our world. But the fight for the health of the planet, the animals, and all of humankind doesn’t end there!
Here’s how we can work together to advocate for our shared home...
Facebook Live: Join David Coman-Hidy This Friday!
Join us on Friday, May 22nd at 1:00pm ET for a very special Facebook Live with The Humane League's President, David Coman-Hidy, as he discusses our new campaign in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Have a question, or just want to learn more?
Demand that Tyson Foods Take Action

It's time to repair our broken food system.
The country’s largest poultry producer, Tyson Foods, must be held accountable for its egregious human and animal abuses.
Sign our petition to demand that Tyson Foods improve conditions for workers, adopt animal welfare measures, and ultimately transition away from factory farming altogether in favor of healthier plant-based alternatives. Together, we can build a food system that is better for humans and animals alike.
Switch4Good is Raising Awareness of Food Injustice

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reviews dietary guidelines for Americans every five years, and they are currently accepting public comments until June 1st. Switch4Good is asking the USDA to remove dairy as a recommended food group in the upcoming 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines.
Join us in collectively asking the US Dietary Guidelines Committee to drop dairy!
Thank You for a Successful #EarthDay50!

Last month’s Earth Day celebrations were a bit unconventional. Instead of attending major marches and advocating for the planet in person, we successfully navigated our current environment with an entirely virtual Earth Day!
Want to see all that you accomplished, together? Check out our latest blog.
From all of us at The Humane League, thank you for staying strong and committed as we continue to create real change and a healthier world for all!
For the animals,
The Humane League