December Statewide Call
Join us Tonight December 16th
at 8pm for our Monthly Statewide call. We'd love it if you
helped us celebrate our biggest year yet.

This month, we're focused on organizing.
You can make a difference in your local area and we want to help.
Connecting with your neighbors with calls and in person events builds
a network. It's these networks across the state and country that are
going to support candidates that run outside the traditional political
system. That's what's going to get us out of the political rut we're
If your interests are more focused on the
state party, we have plenty of needs. You can make us all stronger by
getting involved in one of the following ways.
- Communication
- Candidate Research
- Candidate Support
- Fundraising
- Website management
- Convention planning
- Merch development
- and more
Or maybe you have ideas we haven't
thought of yet, please let us know.
Party Year-end Call

2024 was a banner year for the
Forward Party. We grew more than ever and ran more than 125 candidates
across the country. With hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours
of hard work, we helped propel a host of new forward-thinking
officials into office, and we're ready to celebrate them and look to
the year ahead.
You can hear from the National
Forward Party on Wed 12/18 at
our 2025 Efforts
As we wrap up 2024, we hope you'll take a
moment to consider supporting our work financially in 2025. Even a
small donation helps us do more especially if you'll make that gift
recurring. When we can count on money coming we can take on bigger
projects. In 2025, we'd like to hold our biggest convention yet,
introduce State specific Forward Merch, Support candidates across the
state, and reduce our reliance on the Nation Forward Party to become
more self-sufficient as a state party. All these things will require
money. Thank you to the people who have donated in the past!
With PA Forward Party, every
donor is a Mega-donor!