Mises Institute
Monday, December 16, 2024
How Germany Destroyed Its Economy, and How to Fix It
Daniel Lacalle
Stagnation came to Germany when Germany embraced easy money and a socialized “green economy.”
Real Democracy Can Only Be Freedom
Finn Andreen
Democracy is the watchword with the ruling classes, yet a democratic political system does not protect individual freedoms. Indeed, democracy often has become the main road to socialism. It’s time for some honest discussion.
What’s More “Wicked” than the Crime of ‘73?
Bob explains that the beloved Wizard of Oz movie involved an allegory of the bimetallism debates of the late 1800s.
Legalizing Drugs:
How to Make America Great Again
Is marijuana the magic elixir for economic performance and a cure for the Fed’s inflation?
Slavery—Cronyism, Opportunity Cost, & Deadweight Loss
A modern misconception of antebellum slavery is that it “built the country.” Actually, the institution of slavery, economically speaking, was a deadweight loss to the US economy.
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“Personnel Is Policy” Means the Rule of Law Is Dying
As state power metastasizes, those carrying out government directives are even less bound by law than they were a few years ago.
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Trump’s Economic Policies: The Good, The Bad, and The Uncertain
President-elect Trump has promised changes in economic policies. Here is a look at proposals that have promise—and proposals that are likely to cause harm.
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2025’s Federal Deficit May Be the Biggest Ever
If you thought federal spending would go back to normal after the covid panic, you were wrong.
The Misesian
Another national election has come and gone. Unfortunately, though, opposition to the status quo is not the same thing as support for peace, freedom, or free markets.
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