This is an emergency call to action. The NIH just extended a beagle lab’s cocaine testing contract. 7 dogs may be abused and killed. Read below to take action or unsubscribe.
Dear Taxpayer,
As a White Coat Waste Vice President, I’m writing you because tonight is a critical deadline for anyone who cares about dogs.
Much more below from one of our top investigators…
NIH just extended a $1.6 million contract to a lethal lab. This federal payout addicted and abused seven beagle puppies at a cocaine injection lab.
Here’s what we know about the NIH 7:
Here’s what we know about dogs at this lab:
And Taxpayer, that’s why I’m leading the campaign to save them from NIH's cocaine compound.
Look, I know $7 sounds like it won’t go very far. But, as the head of WCW’s marketing campaigns, I KNOW otherwise…
You see, a $7 donation is actually how much it takes for me to reach fourteen more pet owners in key Congressional Districts, EXPOSE the truth about the NIH 7, and get the right people to contact the right legislators at the right moment to cut the funding… FAST!
It’s effective: when the money stops, the killing stops.
And Taxpayer, that’s how we stopped ALL five of Dr. Fauci’s heinous drug tests on 6-month-old dogs… and spared the lives of beagle puppies.
I want to do it again for the NIH 7, tonight.
Now, here’s what we know about our rapid response budget: we’re falling WAY behind. I don't think we're going to cover it before midnight.
Please rush help at this secure link:
You Give. We Win. They Survive,
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Megan Andersen Vice President White Coat Waste Project |
Taxpayer, something horrible has happened.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) just EXTENDED a $1.6 million payout to a lab that injects beagle puppies with cocaine!
Seven dogs may be abused and killed.
Get angry. Then… get active!
Rapid Response Deadline: Follow this secure link to stop payout #75N95022F00001. Please chip in $7 to help save more animals and the “NIH 7” beagles!
Actual screenshot from USA Spending—our government’s database of payouts for animal experiments.
Stop Payout #75N95022F00001!
72 Hr. Deadline >>
Taxpayer, here are the details from my latest Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigation:
Stop Payout #75N95022F00001!
Taxpayer, brace yourself: this notorious laboratory also de-barks its dogs.
Remember Dr. Fauci’s beagle experiments? Remember the “cordectomy” we exposed? This is the same lab.
They cut out dogs’ VOCAL CORDS so the beagles can’t howl in agony.
Just imagine their awful lives!
72-HOUR DEADLINE: Please follow this secure link right now to end NIH’s evil “Coke Hound” and more experiments!
Taxpayer, our emergency rapid response campaign is more urgent than usual.
NIH just extended this lab’s $1.6 million contract! This lethal lab has already abused 21 beagles in cocaine tests.
More experiments could begin at any moment.
This means there’s an opportunity—but a very short window of time to respond—to save the NIH 7 before another round of torture begins.
This is an actual description of a beagle injection jacket.
Stop Payout #75N95022F00001!
72 Hr. Deadline >>
White Coat Waste is the only animal protection organization working on this campaign.
We’re paying for ALL the investigations, media, ads, and lobbying costs. But we haven’t covered our budget.
And we’re up against a rapid response deadline in 72 hours.
Send Help!
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Claudia Taylor Investigator White Coat Waste Project |
Stop Payout #75N95022F00001!