As we all know, ranked choice voting asks candidates to talk to everyone and build real coalitions. It rejuvenates the art of persuasion. That’s the opposite of what we have now, when all-important primaries might be won with as little as 20% of the vote, incentivizing candidates to exacerbate outrage and stoke division. Just look at what’s happening in Alaska, one of the most exciting laboratories of our democracy, where the top four finishers in an open primary move on to a general election that uses ranked choice voting. Winners need to campaign to everyone, and always earn a majority. Once in office, lawmakers know they have a mandate to lead. In Alaska, they have come together to form cross-partisan coalitions to deliver for the health and well-being of Alaskans. Alaskans showed their support for this reform by defending it in November, when extreme partisans sought to repeal it and return to the old ways. Meanwhile, Portland, OR citizens eager to make their city work again embraced ranked choice voting for mayor, and a proportional form of ranked choice voting for City Council. In their first use of RCV, Portlanders elected their most diverse set of representatives ever. The Council reflects people of all neighborhoods and races, business owners and progressives, homeowners and renters. The members will now share a table and a common purpose. This is a bright spot in our politics. Change can be a long, hard slog – but change is of our own making. Many of us can recite the beginning of the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence by heart: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” that we are endowed “with certain unalienable rights,” among them “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”