Match your gift for Membership Month |
Dear John,
When Farm Sanctuary rescued Rita calf, she was in bad shape.
While living on a beef breeding farm, Rita caught her foot on some unsteadying flooring. Then, in an attempt to free herself, she was injured and lost part of her right hind leg. Fortunately, while most farmers will discard animals they cannot profit from, Rita’s “owners” relinquished her to Farm Sanctuary instead.
We gave Rita the medical care she needed. Once her initial wounds had healed, we fitted her with a temporary prosthetic leg and brought her home. Today, she is learning to walk on her own and loving her new life. But Rita's journey is not over. She will need further medical attention, including a permanent prosthetic and continued monitoring.
Rita would not be alive today without compassionate people like you. Nor would the nearly 1,000 other rescued farm animals at our two shelters. In fact, there would be no Farm Sanctuary without our incredible members!
That’s why Farm Sanctuary is launching our 2020 Membership Month Challenge today, and asking friends like you to take the next step in your commitment to farm animals.
This year, we’ve set a Membership Month goal of raising $50,000 by May 31. And to give us a head start, a dear friend has offered to MATCH every gift we receive today, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000—but only until midnight tonight! Will you take advantage by becoming a Farm Sanctuary member today, John?
Many people are struggling right now as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. But if you are in a position to help, I hope you will join Farm Sanctuary with a special Membership Month Challenge gift right now and DOUBLE your impact for abused and suffering farm animals across the country.
When you join Farm Sanctuary with a contribution of $20 or more, you will receive our biannual member magazine, access to the cabin and tiny house accommodations at our New York shelter, and more. Best of all, you will get the good feeling of knowing you are forever changing the lives of animals like Rita through your caring support.
Today, Rita is thriving at our New York shelter. We are so excited to see her grow up happy and strong, and are determined to make up for the pain and fear she endured by providing her with a lifetime of love, compassion, and care.
That’s the magic of Farm Sanctuary! This is the place where farm animals who have lost so much can get whatever they need to recover and thrive.
But everything we do for these incredible animals is made possible by the love and support of our caring members.
Please help us provide more farm animals with the same second chance we gave Rita by joining Farm Sanctuary today—and have your generous Membership Month Challenge contribution MATCHED 100%.
Your support during Membership Month will go twice as far to help Farm Sanctuary save more sick, injured, and traumatized farm animals and nurse them back to health in the peace and freedom of our shelters. You’ll help us advocate for strong laws and policies to protect animals from the horrific abuses in America’s farming system. And you’ll help more people understand that each farm animal is someone, not something.
Farm animals need compassionate friends like you—and we do, too!
Reaching our $50,000 Membership Month Challenge goal by May 31 won’t be easy, but I’ve seen the amazing things the Farm Sanctuary family can accomplish when we all pull together. Let’s show farm animals like Rita how caring humans can be!
If you are currently able, please join Farm Sanctuary to help farm animals in need. Every $1 you give before the day ends will become $2 for the farm animals you love!
Thank you for not forgetting the needs of our rescued animals in these challenging times. Be safe, and be well!
Yours in compassion,
Megan Watkins Chief Executive Officer
P.S. In addition to joining Farm Sanctuary today to have your Membership Month Challenge gift DOUBLED, you can also be our first line of protection for farm animals like Rita. If you see a farm animal in need of rescue, or believe farm animal cruelty is occurring in your community, please contact us immediately at (607) 583-2225. Your call could save an animal’s life!
This generous matching gift opportunity is provided by Debbie of Mokulele Farms, in loving memory of Paul and all of the birds.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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