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A group of 17 Orthodox rabbis have written to Boris Johnson declaring that they will refuse to compromise on LGBT-inclusive education in Jewish schools.
The US government's foreign aid agency on Monday warned the United Nations to stop "promoting abortion" in its response to the coronavirus pandemic — invoking billions of dollars in US donations.
The U.S. Senate approved legislation on Thursday calling on President Donald Trump's administration to toughen its response to China's crackdown on its Uighur Muslim minority.
Egypt's Ministry of Interior announced on Friday evening that popular TikTok star Mawada Eladhm had been arrested a day earlier on charges of "violating family principles and values in Egyptian society" and "establishing, managing and using [websites and social media accounts] with the aim of committing those crimes".
Patients waiting for life-saving transplants have welcomed a "game- changer" law which means that from today people are automatically enrolled as organ donors.
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