With time ticking down on 2024, we now know for sure that 2025 will be an election year.
It’s looking really close, friend.
There are hours left before tonight’s midnight deadline – and if I’m being upfront, we still need a few more grassroots contributions over the next couple of hours to push us past the finish line.
December is the most important time of the year (outside of an election!) for our party to raise the funds we need to run strong campaigns.
With time ticking down on 2024, we now know for sure that 2025 will be an election year. The important progress Justin Trudeau and our Liberal team are making – like lowering the cost of living, building more affordable homes, strengthening our public health care system – is at stake.
It’s up to our strong network of supporters in every part of Canada to work together to ensure we can finish this December strong. And that starts with hitting tonight’s mid-month deadline to raise $1 million online.
I’m so proud of the 2,561 Canadians who have pulled together this month by making an online contribution. Can I count on you to rush a donation at this crucial moment, friend?
Chip in now towards the Re-election Fund to ensure Justin Trudeau and our Liberal team are ready to go the moment an election is called.