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Kia ora Friend --

Countdown Conversations – Week 17

We need your help

Tēnā hoki tātau me te tangi tonu ki ngā mate o te wā.  E oki koutou i te pūoro wairua.

Kāti, he maha ngā kaupapa o te wā mō tō tātau waka a te Pāti Māori me te mihi atu ki te tokonui i hoki atu ki te kura me te mahi i te rangi nei.

This is our weekly Countdown Conversations pānui as we gear up for the election and whānau, we need your help. 

Connect in with your local candidate to see whether you can help with putting up hoardings, offering your property for a hoarding or helping with fundraising.  Or you may want to help with technical skills.  Click here to help out.

E 17 wiki e toe ana – 17 weeks to go

What a month and week it's been for the Māori Party and we are excited that we have our team of seven candidates for the Māori seats.  As you will know we have recently announced:

  • Our co-leaders: John Tamihere, Tāmaki Makaurau and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, Te Tai Hauāuru;
  • Donna Pokere-Phillips for Hauraki-Waikato;
  • Tākuta Ferris for Te Tai Tonga; and
  • Mariameno Kapa-Kingi for Te Tai Tokerau.

Our team is diverse and brings amazing skills to help us with this year's campaign and we will be confirming the remainder of our team by July at the latest.  You can find out more about our team here.

Ngā Kaupapa Pōti – Our Policies

There have been several tono for our policies.  We are keeping these tight as other parties are good with the machinery behind them to copy our policies and gain momentum. 

We will be sharing them at electorate and National Council level next month.  We will also share them more broadly once we are in the regulated period when campaigning kicks off properly in mid June.  In the meantime, kia manawanui mai.

You can also keep informed on our current issues at a national and electorate level by clicking on Māori Conversations which screens live on Facebook at 8pm each night.

Te Tahua Pūtea – Budget 2020

There were some gains for whānau including Kōhanga Reo receiving $200m.  However, ECE were also given just over $200m and so instead of narrowing the gap between our mokopuna education providers, we continue to be a long way from receiving equitable recognition.

The rāhui has only made things harder and though there may seem to be more 000’s, Māori specific funding was between 0.3%-0.7% of the total Budget.  Other than Whānau Ora, there aren't many more obvious transformational shifts, so we are being kept at the bottom.

Te Mana o te Marae – Our Marae are our Heart

Last week our marae and kāinga were under siege and our people responded.  It was a true example of people power.

Through our collective advocacy as te iwi Māori, we were able to force the government to change the COVID-19 Health Response Act.  Our marae are still disadvantaged through this law and police don’t need a warrant to come to our marae.

So, here’s our call to action.  With less than 125 days till the election, we need your support to donate to the party to help build up our pūtea to win seats and return back to Parliament come 19 September and be the free Māori voice in Parliament:

Donate $5 or $25 or $50 or more, click here.

Hope our tamariki have enjoyed returning to kura.

Ngā mihi nui o te wā

Che Wilson



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