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Our Canada Day!

It's now or never Canadians! We must take a stand! The globalists within and without have their sites on our sovereignty and our freedoms and they are using tyranny through the Covid Pandemic to help achieve their goals. They Canceled Canada Day! Well we say they can't do that, it's not their day to do that! There are many issues that have frustrated and infuriated Canadians, the latest authoritarian response to the plandemic is simply icing on the globalist cake. Now is the time to fight back! To stand our ground for freedom and in doing so wake a nation of fellow Canadians who have been sleeping through this decades old agenda. As the globalists close in on their stated goals of sustainable development, the time is now to strongly oppose that agenda in defense of our nation and what it represents to so many! This is our day! This is our time! rally your communities, rally your friends, rally your groups.

One of the ways we are empowering the people is by promoting a Declaration, by the people, to be delivered, en masse to the Governor General, the Prime Ministers Office, and MP's across the nation. I have included a picture of the Declaration, but you can also download a high quality PDF at Please have a look at it, if it resonates with you, sign it and bring it with you to Ottawa. Or, email the signed copy to [email protected] .

Please feel free to forward this email to all your contacts and/or forward the Declaration or the link to it.

See you in Ottawa my fellow Canadian Patriots!

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020
11:00 AM - 04:00 PM Local Time
In front of Parliament

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Can't wait to see you all there!


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