From Josh Shapiro <>
Subject The center of the universe
Date December 14, 2024 5:42 PM
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John, you and I know firsthand just how tough it is to win in Pennsylvania.

Each and every election year, our Commonwealth becomes the center of the political universe — and we know that the next election year won’t be any different.

As we speak, big-money extremists are putting in the work to enact their dangerous agenda in Pennsylvania. An agenda that calls for banning abortion and restricting our fundamental freedoms. We can’t let them succeed.

Pennsylvania is the ultimate swing state — and our team needs to gear up for anything and everything that the opposition throws at us. Please, will you donate today to help our team prepare for the important battles that are coming our way?

Donate → [[link removed]]

Make no mistake — if far-right extremists get their way, they will work to take away our freedoms, give more tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy, and play dangerous games with our economy, all for political points.

Look, we can’t let them subject the good people of Pennsylvania to a dangerous agenda and endless political grandstanding — so I’m turning to you, John.

Pennsylvania will be a key state for years to come, and every dollar makes a difference as we take on the big fights ahead of us. If you want to keep Pennsylvania on the right track, will you donate $5, $25, or whatever you can afford to support my team today?

Donate → [[link removed]]

Thank you,

Josh Shapiro

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States
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