Faith Goldy: Black Lies Don’t Count—And White Lives Don’t Matter; Trump Should Use Defense Production Act Against Tech Totalitarians Like Amazon (Plus An Immigration Moratorium, Of Course); etc. (73 items, 05/19/2020)


Anti-white hate crimes dominate traffic this week, leading with John Derbyshire: Why Hasn’t the New York Times Reported The Murder Of Paul And Lidia Marino?

In second, another tragic example glossed over by the MSM: Her Name Is Heather Perry: White Woman Murdered in Denver by Black Male Released from Jail Early Because of Coronavirus Concerns.

Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin On The Brunswick Hoax is still enjoying steady traffic in third.

In fourth, Steve Sailer remembers the time Ahmaud Arbery jogged away from police after bringing a .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun to a high school basketball game. Why Was Ahmaud Arbery Formerly Ahmaud Avery?

And in fifth: Faith Goldy’s new video: Black Lies Don’t Count—And White Lives Don’t Matter.

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Saturday May 16, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Why Hasn’t The NEW YORK TIMES Reported The Murder Of Paul And Lidia Marino?

Friday May 15, 2020

Author Faith Goldy

Faith Goldy: Black Lies Don’t Count—And White Lives Don’t Matter

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