From Nurses' Campaign To Win Medicare For All <[email protected]>
Subject We’re putting together a Special Outreach Team. Interested?
Date December 14, 2024 12:43 AM
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[1]NNU - Medicare for All!

If we’re going to pass Medicare for All and win guaranteed health care for
everyone in the United States, we need to reduce the influence of the
for-profit health care industry on our political system. That’s why we
created our Patients Over Profits campaign.

To date, we’ve built a movement of more than 300 political candidates and
elected officials who’ve pledged to reject campaign contributions of $200
or more from the for-profit health care industry — all thanks to our
amazing team of volunteers!

Now, we’re putting together a special Outreach Team to reach out to as
many elected officials as possible right after the holidays to ask them to
take the pledge. This is the perfect time for reaching out to politicians,
as they are just getting settled after the holiday break, and newly
elected officials are being sworn into office.

We’re looking for volunteers who are fairly comfortable using spreadsheets
and the copy/paste function of your computer’s programs, and who can
devote at least one hour a week to doing digital outreach over a six-week
period this January and February.

You’ll get a written guide with everything you need to know, and we’ll be
hosting two Onboarding Calls in early January to make sure you know
exactly what to do.

[ [link removed] ]Interested? Sign up to join our Patients Over Profits Special Outreach
Team now and we’ll be in touch!

[ [link removed] ]Sign Up »

We hope to work with you to keep building our movement this winter and
ultimately pass Medicare for All.

In solidarity,

Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare for All 

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