Dear John,

The Democrats are using the coronavirus to screw up the November elections, defeat President Trump, and guarantee that principled conservative candidates like Rush-endorsed John James goes down in flames alongside him.

Democrat Response to Emergency

Please read my email below and send your support today.  Together, we will come through this virus pandemic as well as secure Donald Trump's and other conservatives victory this November!


          - John

You're receiving this email because you're committed to defending America against rabid liberals hell-bent on destroying our values.  If you're giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

First, I hope that you are well and staying safe during this uncertain time for our nation.

And secondly, thank you.

Because of your support, our Faces of America spokespeople have been on the air in Alabama, California, Maine, New Mexico and Pennsylvania since August.

It is also thanks to your support that three months ago we were able to expand and launch ads into:

  • Michigan - One supporting Black Republican SUPERSTAR John James for Senate and another opposing radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib
  • Minnesota - To defeat America-hating extremist Ilhan Omar

John James has a good chance of defeating tax and spend, pro-abortion Senator Gary Peters and Rush Limbaugh gives John James a big thumbs up...

"John James is what everyone would hope and pray for in a son.  He is what everyone would hope for in a son-in-law and what everybody would hope for in a senator.  He is a guy who grew up amazingly believing in the American dream and has lived it.  He personifies it."
- Rush Limbaugh

As the nation is focused on the possible financial impact and death toll due to the coronavirus, the Left continues to place blame on President Trump, not only for the outbreak of the virus itself, but for sky-rocketing unemployment and the sputtering economy.

We all know that the coronavirus is not President Trump's fault.  The blame falls solely on China.

More than anything, China wants to be number one in the world from an economic and a military standpoint.

But President Trump started getting in the way of their goal...

When President Trump looked at all the trade agreements with China and he said "time out."  And much to the chagrin of China loving Liberals in America, President Trump imposed hefty tariffs on many of the goods China imports to the United States.

They retaliated and so did President Trump which caused so much damage to their economy that they agreed to a trade agreement with the US.

But then China declared war on the world...

No shots were fired, but as of right now there is over 250,000 deaths including more than 70,000 in the U.S.

All evidence in investigations of the origin of the deadly coronavirus points to two laboratories in Wuhan, China.

Just as the terrorists did on 9-11 they have managed to shut down our economy and in all probability change the way we live our lives forever.

And they hid the severity of the virus from the entire world.

They locked down all travel from the Wuhan area but allowed infected people to travel all over the world bringing the virus to 184 different countries, sending thousands to the hospital, hundreds of thousands to the morgues, millions into quarantine and shutting down world economies.

Democrats need to place blame where blame is due, hold China accountable and stop attacking President Trump!

But that's just not going to happen...

President Trump has been in battle after battle with the Democrats and it has just gotten tougher.  Now that Joe Biden is the "chosen one," millions of dollars from the Democratic National Committee, Michael Bloomberg and leftist, radical liberal Fat Cats will be pouring into his campaign.

Unfortunately, polls show Joe Biden with a slight lead over President Trump.  And though this poll was conducted before the allegations of sexual harassment/assault by Biden's former staffer Tara Reade, it's not good news.

But a recent Latino Decisions poll reveals a weak spot for Joe Biden and that weak spot is with Hispanic Americans.  This is a huge concern for Democrats.  They know if they lose the Hispanic vote, and more votes from other minorities, Biden will lose.

We plan to use this new information to our advantage and expand and increase our ads in Hispanic markets.

And worse than "Sleepy Joe" becoming our next President?  His running mate selection.

He already vowed that his running mate would be a woman, and now some of the names floating around for consideration are socialists like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris and Liberals like Stacey Abrams and...


Can you imagine the irreparable damage that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton (or Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris) would inflict on our country?!  And worse, what if Joe Biden can't serve and one of these left-wing radicals becomes President?

The Democrats Plan for America

We MUST fight tooth and nail to make sure that does not happen!

We MUST stay on the air in Alabama, California, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico and Pennsylvania, increase our ads in Hispanic markets and expand into the states where data shows the Democrat is vulnerable.

We MUST continue to be laser-focused making sure minorities hear the truth about President Trump and Republicans.

Not only is that important for President Trump to defeat Joe Biden, but if we can defeat 18 Democrats in November, Republicans will take back the House and Nancy Pelosi will be dethroned as Speaker!

And we have the plan to do just that...

We've proven that our "Nadler Method" outreach program to Blacks, Asians, Latinos/Hispanics and Women is NOT a "waste of time" as the talking heads and overpaid political consultants have been claiming for years.

"Our efforts to expand the [black] electorate were made more difficult by [their] black radio strategy... Republican messaging to the base will make base voter continuity, not to mention expansion, very difficult for Democrats."

- Democrat Donna Brazile
Former Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee

"Never-Trumpers" are blaming President Trump for the coronavirus pandemic to make sure that he does not win re-election...

That's because, before the COVID-19 outbreak, polls showed that instead of losing support, President Trump was gaining support among minorities, John!

That's why it's imperative that we stay on the air in support of President Trump and to make sure minority voters hear the truth about the lies that the Democrats have been feeding them for decades.

We must stay on the air and expand into the states where President Trump needs the most help (and can win) and defeat some of the most radical, socialist political incumbents.

We have paid for our radio time through May and now working to raise $43,800 a month for June, July and August.  That is just the bare minimum we need.  If we raise more we'll buy more ads.

The battle for America continues, and with you by our side, we will prevail.  All we have to do is syphon off a few percentages of the minority votes from the Democrats and they will lose!

WE MUST FIGHT together on behalf of President Trump's re-election and reverse the Left's march toward Socialism...

We've come so far in four years, having another four is imperative.

Please RENEW your support today by sending a most generous gift of $20.20, $35, $75, $150 or more today.

But if that is just too much for you right now, please know that any amount you feel comfortable sending is critically needed.

If you live by a monthly budget, John, I've set up the ability for us to process monthly recurring donations which will help greatly in our budgeting as we move forward.  All you have to do is check the monthly option on the donation page, enter the amount you wish to donate monthly, and your gift will be processed around the same time every month until after the election.

There's a lot of work to do, but together, we can dispel the Liberals' Lies and take our America back.

I trust you will do what you can.

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. John, it's an honor to fight alongside you on behalf of our great Country to reverse the Left's march toward Socialism.  Your support keeps us going!

I'll be sending you more information and updating you regularly on our activities and election news.  In the meantime, stay safe.  Stay well.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.