It has been twelve years since one of the darkest days in our nation’s history, when 20 children and six teachers were ruthlessly gunned down with an assault weapon at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.
A gunman brought a weapon of war into an elementary school and killed children, leaving an indelible mark on a nation that should have been a turning point, that should have been enough to force those in power to take action to stop the next tragedy and save the children that we still could.
And yet, our lawmakers failed to ban assault weapons, failed us, failed our children. A previously unimaginable tragedy was met with inaction and something even more incomprehensible followed: Children were gunned down again and again.
15 more children were gunned down with an assault weapon at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, and 19 more children were gunned down with an assault weapon at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX. And these were only some of the mass tragedies that have happened in the last decade. Now, gun violence is the number one cause of death for children and teens in the United States.
How many more children must die before our lawmakers are willing to stare down the gun lobby and say “enough.”?
Tell lawmakers to stand up to the gun lobby and stop the next tragedy: BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS NOW. >>
My girls were in elementary school when the shooting happened at Sandy Hook and I have seen them go through lockdown drills, more news of school shootings, and fear for their safety in school. I know what it is like to be a parent witnessing my children living in fear, but I cannot fathom what it is like to lose your child to gun violence. No parent should have to imagine that, let alone go through it – yet far too many have had to face this devastating reality because spineless politicians have chosen gun lobby blood money over the safety of our children.
It is for the parents and families who have faced the unimaginable that I continue to fight fiercely for change. For those innocent souls who were senselessly ripped from their families and this world. For the children who can still be protected and a nation that can be as great as we posit it to be. And I am asking you, John, to join me.
Tomorrow is a somber day, but it's also a day to remember why our continued fight is so important. Our collective action has worked before and I am asking you to keep fighting with Brady to change our country. The majority of Americans want a ban on assault weapons and our voices together make us louder than the gun lobby – can you honor the memories of the victims and survivors of Sandy Hook with action today and demand that Congress ban deadly weapons of war?