Just a quick note to make sure you saw this, John:

Andrew Cuomo is planning to run for Mayor of New York City.

Can you make a contribution of any amount to my campaign right now to help me stop Cuomo? Here’s a personalized link to use: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

It’s been a dreary few days in New York, John.

But hope you can agree – nothing is drearier than the thought of another chaotic, harassing, lying bully of a Mayor.

We deserve so much better.

- Brad


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brad Lander
Date: Sun, Dec 1, 2024
Subject: Andrew Cuomo

Dear John,

Last week, news leaked that Andrew Cuomo is planning to run for Mayor of New York City.

Let’s be clear: The last thing New Yorkers need right now is another agent of corruption, chaos, and harassment.

New Yorkers need trustworthy, stable leadership – not another corrupt, scandal-plagued mayor whose own inner circle is fleeing him, and who is running more for his own ego and “redemption narrative” than to solve our problems.

If you don’t want Andrew Cuomo as your mayor, will you make a contribution of any amount to my campaign right now to stop him?

When the anti-corruption commission that he created to clean up Albany got too close to people or groups with ties to him, Cuomo undermined it, forced them to pull back subpoenas, and when they wouldn’t yield, he shut it down. He’s got a long history of corrupt aides, dark money, bullying, and lying.

When the pandemic hit, Cuomo went against CDC guidelines and mandated that nursing homes accept people with Covid-19, leading to the deaths of thousands of seniors. He then forced the NYS Health Department to cover it up, and lied about it – to grieving families, and later to Congress – in order to protect his $5 million book deal.

And the U.S. Department of Justice concluded this year that Cuomo sexually harassed 13 women who worked for him, subjecting them to non-consensual sexual contact, ogling, and gender-based nicknames. When they objected, he retaliated against them. He’s even gone so far as to seek records from one accuser’s gynecologist and therapist.

I think the greatest city in the world deserves better than that, John.

If Andrew Cuomo truly cared about New York City – where he hasn’t lived for decades – over his own personal revenge fantasies, he would focus on atoning for his many misdeeds, prepare his legal defense (and pay for it himself instead of sticking New York taxpayers with a $25 million bill), and leave us all alone.

Will you chip in a contribution of any amount to my campaign for Mayor instead? I don’t rely on dark money, lies, and corruption. I’m running a campaign backed by New Yorkers who value honesty and integrity – people just like you. Please give today to help me build the strong campaign it will take to beat a bully.

