From killing children in Gaza every single day, to invading Syrian land in the Golan Heights -- the Israeli government is in clear violation of the EU-Israel trade agreement. 

EU foreign ministers are meeting in days, and pressure is mounting for the bloc to suspend the trade agreement. Spain and Ireland are already on board -- let's urgently get others to follow.

 Sign the petition 


From killing children in Gaza every single day -- to invading Syrian land in the Golan Heights -- the Israeli government's genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign is shamefully grinding on. 

And as Israel’s #1 trading partner, the EU is unabashedly bankrolling these crimes, even providing weapons and parts used in Gaza where 44% of the death toll is children. 

In days, EU foreign ministers will meet to discuss the situation in the Middle East, and pressure is mounting on the bloc to suspend its trade agreement with the Israeli government. 

The Spanish and Irish Prime Ministers have already come out in support of a suspension – let’s get the rest of the EU to follow.

Tell EU foreign ministers: suspend the EU Israel Association Agreement

The EU could do this. Over the years it has suspended agreements with 15 countries due to human rights violations. Most of these countries are in the African continent, and the reasons include Coup d’Etats and flawed electoral processes.

So why isn’t the EU holding Israel and its genocide to the same standard?

Respect for human rights is an essential element in the EU Israel Association Agreement. After more than 16,000 children have been killed in Gaza, Israel is without a doubt violating that part of the agreement.

Even without that clause, the world’s highest court has ordered states to stop aiding and abetting Israel’s crimes. As Israel’s top trade partner, accounting for 31.9% of Israel’s imports, and 25% of its exports (including settlement products) – the EU is inadvertently bankrolling Israel’s illegal occupation.

The only way we can stop the violence is to raise the stakes for the Israeli government, and one key way the EU can do that is through its trade agreement.

Pressure is building on EU officials. The more global attention we bring to this, the stronger our chances of getting them to act. But we need everyone’s signature to help to make this huge.

Tell EU foreign ministers: suspend the EU Israel Association Agreement

For years our community has been advocating for an end to Israeli apartheid. From Ben and Jerry's to AXA, we've successfully pressured some of the world's biggest brands and financial institutions to stop investing in the illegal occupation. Let's do it again, and make sure the EU upholds its own standards when it comes to Israel's war crimes. 

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Rewan, Nabil, Yasmin, Eoin, and the team at Ekō

More information:

EU Council chief warns of 'consequences' of Israel's UNRWA ban for key trade deal
Reuters. October 30, 2024

Spain’s Sánchez urges Brussels to suspend trade deal with Israel
Politico. October 14, 2024




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