December Statewide Call
Join us Monday December 16th at
8pm for our Monthly Statewide call. You'll have things you want
to talk about, We will too!

This month, we're organizing. You can
make a difference in your local area and we want to help. Connecting
with your neighbors with calls and in person events builds a network.
It's these networks across the state and country that are going to
support candidates that run outside the traditional political system.
That's what's going to get us out of the political rut we're in.
If your interests are more focused on the
state party, we have plenty of needs. You can make us all stronger by
getting involved in one of the following ways.
- Communication
- Candidate Research
- Candidate Support
- Fundraising
- Website management
- Convention planning
- Merch development
- and more
Or maybe you have ideas we haven't
thought of yet, please let us know.
Party Year-end Call

2024 was a banner year for the
Forward Party. We grew more than ever and ran more than 125 candidates
across the country. With hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours
of hard work, we helped propel a host of new forward-thinking
officials into office, and we're ready to celebrate them and look to
the year ahead.
Wed 12/18 at 7:15pm
our 2025 Efforts
Let's talk about money for a moment.
Campaigns cost money, lawyers and advisors cost money, printed
materials, and events cost money. Even the network systems we use to
host our website, organize volunteers and send this email cost money.
It's not the same sums that get spent on National political campaigns,
we're not talking millions, but the PA Forward Party does spend
thousands to do what we do, and we'd like to be able to do more.
Right now, we have a small number of
people that are donating monthly or covering individual expenses we
incur as a party, but we need to expand that base of financial
support. The more recurring donations we can count on, the more we can
plan to support our candidates in November. We can plan bigger and
better events without the people planning them taking on personal
financial risk. Any amount that you can contribute us is a huge help
and we thank you for joining us to fund something new in PA.
With PA Forward Party, every
donor is a Mega-donor!