Hey there,

Spring planting is done and now Sharla and I are hoping for rain. I will be sure to keep you posted how things go as we await to see how the alfalfa and wheat turn out this year.

Now...how’re you doing? I know things are quite hectic right now so I wanted to take a minute to check in.

Even though I can’t see folks in person quite yet, I’m doing my best to talk to as many of you as I can. I wish I could be hosting another round of in-person town halls and meeting with folks face to face to hear what's on their minds.

Unfortunately, that isn’t possible, so I have to collect input a bit differently. Which is why I'm asking:

Can you take a few minutes (two, tops!) today to complete my short issues survey?


I first ran for office to make sure our government works for regular folks, not the big donors or corporations writing campaign checks.

Hearing directly from you about what your concerns are helps me do just that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me today. I’ll be in touch soon.

— Jon