Dear John,
Pro-life laws don’t just spring fully formed from the head of state lawmakers.
Nor do they naturally disseminate to states across the country, carried by the breeze.
It takes work. A lot of strategic, carefully coordinated work.
And that, in a nutshell, is what your support of Americans United for Life accomplishes.
As I explained to you in my recent letter, our country urgently needs that work today—to halt the advancement of abortion extremist laws and amendments in state constitutions.
Your support of AUL is the reason that laws are changed and lives are saved.are changed and lives are saved.
Remember, AUL drew up the battle-plan that ultimately brought down Roe.
Now you and I can be part of an even bigger achievement: building the equal protection of life in all 50 states.
- Legislators can’t pass pro-life laws until people have drafted model legislation.
State and local organizations can’t coordinate their efforts unless someone makes the connection.
- Pregnancy Resource Centers are vulnerable to legal attack unless someone keeps watch and takes action on their behalf.
That’s the beauty of your support of Americans United for Life.
Through your generosity, pro-life laws are written . . . pro-life advocates are empowered . . . life-affirming organizations are protected.
Two years of setbacks after Dobbs is two years too many.
In 2025, Americans United for Life is taking the bold lead to unify the pro-life movement and protect the right to life in culture, law, and policy in all fifty states.
This past fall we convened the Equal Protection Summit, bringing together 80 of the leading minds in the pro-life movement to discuss the perilous situation our country faces today.
The Equal Protection Summit asked: How do we go from 23 states protecting preborn life to 50? How can we build a culture of life, state-by-state, until abortion becomes culturally unthinkable?
There’s no one simple answer to those questions. But here’s one thing I do know for sure:
Pro-life Americans must stand up for life with the same passion and commitment that pro-abortion Americans fight for unfettered access to abortion.
I hate to put it that way, but it’s the truth.
Can I count on you to defend preborn babies and vulnerable women with the same tenacity that the pro-abortion industry has fought for abortion?
Your dedication is the way that a culture of life will take shape.
If the media is against us . . . if most politicians are hostile or indifferent to life . . . if abortion advocates out-fund us 35 to 1 . . . We can’t be surprised when a culture of life fails to gain ground.
But I believe we CAN gain ground in 2025, because I believe in your commitment to this noble cause.
Thank you for standing with Americans United for Life,