Hi John,
These are unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc in our communities, shedding an illuminating light on the inequities of New York. Families across the state are hurting dealing with the loss of a loved one, record unemployment, economic uncertainty, food and housing insecurity. Personal budgets, school budgets and state budgets are all experiencing the impact of this financial crisis.
Looming budget cuts pose an existential threat to the fabric of our public education system. The only way to protect children, families and their access to education and childcare is with bold action at every level of government — local, state and federal. Write to your State Legislators and representatives in Congress now, and urge them to take action to prevent Cuomo’s cuts.
Click on the graphic below to see how our local, state and federal governments all can play an essential role in protecting New York's public schools during this crisis.

At the local level: School districts must minimize cuts to essential support services like counselors and coaches in their budgets. They must prioritize students' social and emotional health by investing resources in counselors, not cops. They must protect proven to work programs like pre-K, community schools and restorative justice specialists.
At the state level: The Governor and the state legislature can raise revenue with new tax brackets for billionaires and millionaires. New York is home to some of the wealthiest people in the world, but it also has some of the worst inequality in the nation, including in public education. Our State leaders can and must preserve our schools and hospitals by asking the ultra rich to pay a little more to help all New Yorkers get through this crisis.
At the federal level: Congress must act quickly to pass a federal stimulus package, including relief to New York earmarked for public schools. Congress must ensure that New York State cannot use the federal funds to make additional cuts at the state level, so that the federal dollars act as the relief they are intended to be.
Write to your State Legislators and representatives in Congress now, and urge them to take action to prevent Cuomo’s cuts. New York’s Congressional delegation must fight for a stimulus package that will protect our students. And when the State legislature convenes, the first item on their agenda must be taxing the wealthy to invest in our schools and communities.
In solidarity,
Jasmine Gripper