Dear John,

Christmas is quickly approaching. But there is still time to share JOY in the toughest places!

Through the Unto Gift Catalog you can provide lifesaving humanitarian aid that will bring joy to people in critical need. When you give through the catalog, you can also download our special honorary gift announcement to help with those last-minute gifts! 

Your generous donation today can provide safe, clean water for communities in urgent need. Your support can supply egg-laying chickens for hungry families so they have a source of food and income. You can give a Family Care Kit to refugees and those who have been displaced to help them stay warm during the winter. 

Any gift you make will create opportunities for unreached people to have not only their physical needs met, but their spiritual ones too. As our local teams distribute the aid you help provide, they will also tell people about the joy found in Jesus.

Please consider how you can impact the lives of suffering people and share joy in the toughest places on earth.

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