Dear John, The climate crisis is already here — but it’s about to get a whole lot worse. After the Trump campaign solicited $1 billion in campaign donations from oil executives in exchange for rolling back regulations, Big Oil and the Right are making good on their investment: as you read this, they are getting ready to pull every lever of executive power to roll back climate progress, eviscerate environmental protections, and subsidize polluting industries. We have 38 days until Trump and his supporters — backed by Big Oil, Charles Koch, and Leonard Leo — take back control of the White House and start implementing their climate denialist agenda. Your financial support has never been more important as we prepare to meet this unprecedented moment. | |
CMD has been at the forefront of exposing the front groups backed by Big Oil, Charles Koch, and Leonard Leo that are actively sabotaging climate progress and digging in to protect dirty power. This year alone, we: | |
- Exposed efforts by ALEC and other groups backed by Koch and Leo to blacklist companies that divest from fossil fuels or embrace sustainable energy goals.
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- Published an exposé on the corporate billionaires funding the dark money groups behind state anti-ESG (environmental, social, and governance) legislation — to the tune of $85 million.
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- Revealed the Big Oil money bankrolling the Republican state attorneys general who have asked the Supreme Court to shield fossil fuel companies from damages for lying to the public for decades about the dangers of climate change.
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- Reported how American climate denialists have teamed up with sympathetic Europeans to strategize on how to defeat climate solutions that threaten the fossil fuel industry.
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- Tracked the energy and law enforcement interests lobbying to criminalize climate protests.
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With Trump back in power, it’s only going to get worse. Big Oil and the Right are hell-bent on using the second Trump administration to roll back decades of environmental protections, expand dirty fossil fuel production, and pretend that the growing climate emergency isn’t happening. Closer to home, ALEC legislators and right-wing attorneys general and state treasurers are planning to punish climate-conscious investing, cripple renewables, and allow oil companies to ravage our public lands. We're committed to fighting back in 2025. But exposing fossil fuel influence is expensive: state and local governments demand huge sums of money for public records, and our staff spends hundreds of hours painstakingly pouring through documents, IRS filings, and more in order to reveal the latest assaults on climate progress by the fossil fuel industry and captured politicians. | |
And, as an extra incentive: | |
Thanks to a generous $50,000 match, your year-end gift will go twice as far! Donate Here! | |
We need to work together to protect our planet, our health, and each other. Thank you for your support of CMD and all that you do, | |
Arn Pearson Executive Director Center for Media and Democracy | |