Action Alert

Congress has the opportunity this month to provide essential safeguards for free speech.
The PRESS Act, which already passed the House of Representatives, provides protections to journalists against government surveillance and forced disclosure of confidential sources. The Free Speech Protection Act will protect everyone from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or SLAPPs, which are used to harass journalists, activists, and consumers into silence by suing them over their protected speech.
Both bills come at an important moment for protecting the freedom to speak out and share important information without fear of reprisal. Please take a moment to use these actions to tell Congress to pass these bills.
pROTECT the freedom of the press
pROTECT consumers from SLAPP lawsuits
EFF and a coalition of free speech organizations support the protections in both of these bills. Each is appropriately tailored to shield a wide array of journalists, bloggers, protestors, and everyday people who exercise their right to speak out and share information.
Journalists shouldn’t be forced to choose between protecting their confidential sources or going to prison. Deep-pocketed individuals and corporations shouldn’t be able to use civil lawsuits to silence their opponents.
Please tell Congress to protect online rights and the freedom of speech before this year's session ends.
Joe Mullin
EFF Activism Team