Ways to Reopen Church Starting on May 31st and Beyond
John, May 31st, Pentecost Sunday, is quickly approaching. Many churches have decided to reopen their doors for the first time since COVID-19 quarantines began.
Though this can be exciting news, your church MUST be ready to take on the legal and safety challenges that comes with reopening. Join us for our weekly Zoom call this THURSDAY, May 21st at 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT where I will join the PJI legal team and give you updates and guidance on what to do in the weeks ahead to safely and legally reopen your church.
You must register to be part of Thursday's free call; do that by clicking the "REGISTER" button below.

Immediately after you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom meeting link. I know many of you have questions during this confusing time, and we have you covered. During the call, you can utilize the Zoom chat feature to ask questions, and we will take time at the end of the call to provide as many answers as we can.
Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might benefit from this free call. Here is what Zane, who participated on last week's call had to say : "Thank you for hosting this. What a comfort that someone with some legal clout is watching out for us. It is indispensable and so crucial right now." I'll see you on the call this Thursday!
Running the race,
Brad Dacus with the
Pacific Justice Institute Team