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The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) hopes you and your families are staying safe and healthy. Our thoughts continue to go out to all Americans and their families who have been impacted by this pandemic.
Last week, NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released a statement following House passage of The Heroes Act ([link removed]) , legislation to address the unprecedented coronavirus health and economic crisis. For over two months, the NDC has been working with New Dem Members, public health officials, and economic experts to put forward bold ideas and innovative solutions to aggressively respond to the pandemic and recession. As with previous packages, the latest coronavirus response and recovery legislation included many provisions led by the NDC and New Dem Members.
The House also acted to temporarily adapt House Rules for Floor and committee proceedings so that Members can effectively and safely carry out the important work of Congress remotely and through virtual means in these extraordinary circumstances. The NDC has been supportive of the House and Committees returning to regular order facilitated by remote or virtual means and has been pushing for these changes for weeks. NDC Chair Derek Kilmer released a statement of support prior to the House vote on H. Res. 965 ([link removed]) to authorize remote voting by proxy in the House of Representatives and provide the framework for official remote committee proceedings during a public health emergency.
The previous week, New Dem Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) was joined by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) in releasing a framework for the Workers’ Relief and Security Act ([link removed]) to tie unemployment benefits to the public health emergency and economic triggers so that assistance continues and expands as conditions persist. The NDC has been pushing for the implementation of automatic stabilizers in coronavirus relief packages since the onset of the pandemic and is grateful for Rep. Beyer’s leadership in the effort.
More on what New Dems have been up to below.
NDC Chair Statement on House Passage of The Heroes Act ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released a statement ([link removed]) following House passage of The Heroes Act, the most recent coronavirus relief package. The Coalition and New Dem Members were pleased to help secure many provisions in The Heroes Act to end the pandemic and directly support communities, individuals, and businesses, including:
* An evidence- and science-based national recovery strategy that predicates reopening on communities achieving certain benchmarks.
* Nearly $1 trillion in funding for state, territories, local and tribal entities
* Provisions to mitigate potential health insurance premium increases for millions of Americans in 2021 and to establish a special enrollment period for the ACA individual market and Medicare
* An expanded employee retention tax credit (ERTC) that provides a workable wage subsidy to companies who had operations suspended or experienced a significant decline in revenue to keep businesses viable and workers on payrolls
* Improvements to the SBA Paycheck Protection Program to expand eligibility, extend loan terms, address certain fees and guarantees, and provide more certainty to small businesses
* Support for renters including emergency funds for rental assistance and other costs
* A requirement that the President appoints a Medical Supplies Response Coordinator to help address medical equipment, device, drug, and vaccine supply chain concerns
* A waiver for co-payments and cost-sharing for COVID-related treatments, and when developed, vaccines, through Medicare, the VA, Medicaid, private insurance, and other avenues
* Expanded and extended critical assistance to states and health care providers by increasing the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages rate and Disproportionate Share Hospitals payments, making modifications to Medicare advanced payment loans, providing additional funds to health centers and other providers to offset COVID-19 expenses and lost revenue
* Critical funding to support states for contingency planning, preparation, and resilience of Federal elections
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NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) on The Heroes Act following the House vote.
NDC Chair Statement on Temporary House Rules Modification ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released a statement before the vote on H. Res. 965, legislation to temporarily authorize remote voting by proxy in the House of Representatives and to establish the framework for official remote committee proceedings during a public health emergency. This comes after NDC Leadership Members, led by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, House Rules Committee Chairman McGovern, and House Administration Committee Chairperson Lofgren ([link removed]-) requesting a vote to temporarily implement remote voting and authorize virtual committee proceedings until public health officials provide guidance that it would be safe for all Members and staff to physically return to the House full time.
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NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters (CA-52) advocates for remote voting by proxy and virtual committee proceedings on the House floor.
Kilmer, Beyer: “To Get Through the Pandemic, We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat” via Roll Call ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) penned an op-ed in Roll Call addressing the importance of including automatic stabilizers in coronavirus relief packages to ensure Americans have access to the assistance they need when they need it, and highlighting the legislative framework for the Workers’ Relief and Security Act: “Automatic stabilizers are about building some predictability into a wildly unpredictable time. If you’re a small-business owner trying to decide whether or not to forge ahead or fold the tent, knowing that additional help will be made available could be a difference-maker. If you’re a family trying to budget for next month’s bills but don’t know what the future of this pandemic holds, you would feel a lot more comfortable if you knew there were programs in place to automatically kick in should you end up needing them.”
NDC Chair Statement on Rep. Beyer’s Proposal to Implement Automatic Stabilizers for Unemployment Benefits ([link removed])
New Dem Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) was joined by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) in releasing a framework ([link removed]) for the Workers’ Relief and Security Act, bicameral legislation that would tie ongoing expanded unemployment benefits to the public health emergency and economic conditions. Rep. Beyer’s bill would use automatic triggers to ensure that assistance continues to flow to workers for the duration of the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis even in the absence of action by Congress.
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COVID-19 Legislation
House-Passed Heroes Act Includes Provisions from Several New Dem Members
In addition to NDC priorities listed above, the House-passed Heroes Act includes provisions from several New Dem Members, including:
* Enhancement of ERTC to reduce layoffs by incentivizing employers to retain their employees from NDC Vice Chair Suzan DelBene ([link removed]) (WA-01), Stephanie Murphy ([link removed]) (FL-07), and Chris Pappas ([link removed]) (NH-01)
* U.S. engagement in the development of COVID-19 vaccine candidates and a repositioning as a global leader in the efforts to build an international vaccine cooperation mechanism from NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera ([link removed]) (CA-07)
* Global Health Security Act that reaffirms the United States’ commitment to promoting global health security, from Rep. Gerry Connolly ([link removed]) (VA-11)
* A comprehensive ‘Roadmap to Recovery,’ including testing, contact tracing and quarantine support, access to vaccines and health care coverage for all Americans, additional economic payments to taxpayers, continued support for unemployment insurance, and critical fiscal relief to state and local governments, from NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster ([link removed]) (NH-02)
* Increased flexibility for families to use the 2020 Flexible Spending Account contributions to adjust for delays in accessing non-emergency care due to COVID-19 from NDC Chair Derek Kilmer ([link removed]-) (WA-06)
* Emergency rental assistance through increased funding and expanded eligibility for the duration of the crisis from NDC Housing Task Force Co-Chair Denny Heck ([link removed]) (WA-10)
* Mitigation of drastic health care premium increases expected as a result of the unanticipated surge in medical care costs due to COVID-19 from NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters (CA-52) and NDC Health Care Task Force Co-Chair Angie Craig ([link removed]) (MN-02)
* Protection for seniors on Medicare Advantage from higher health care costs due to COVID-19 from NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan ([link removed]) (PA-06)
* Establishment of a Medical Supply Chain Coordinator to better manage our medical device supply chain, in particular for PPE and testing, from NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chair Rep. Brad Schneider ([link removed]) (IL-10)
* Increased broadband access for low-income and minority groups that are facing unprecedented challenges during COVID-19 from Rep. Marc Veasey ([link removed]) (TX-33)
* Improved accountability of nursing homes by requiring the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to publish demographic information on COVID-19 infections and deaths in long-term care facilities from Rep. Steven Horsford ([link removed]) (NV-04)
* Expanded nutrition benefits through SNAP and other programs from Rep. David Trone ([link removed]) (MD-06)
* Eligibility for tax deductions for small business owners with Paycheck Protection Program loans that are forgiven from Rep. Lizzie Fletcher ([link removed]) (TX-07)
* Protection of Medicaid funding for hospitals through the postponement of the Administration’s Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation for two years from Rep. Lizzie Fletcher ([link removed]) (TX-07)
* Student loan forgiveness for students that go into the public health sector from Rep. Jason Crow ([link removed]) (CO-06)
* Revisions to the Paycheck Protection Program to increase utility and accessibility for small businesses from Rep. Dean Phillips ([link removed]) (MN-03)
DelBene Introduces Bicameral Legislation to Protect Americans’ Health Information ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) introduced the bicameral Public Health Emergency Privacy Act to set up enforceable privacy and data security rights for health information which would protect Americans and safeguard civil liberties.
Houlahan, Bera, and Foster Introduce Legislation to Establish a National Public Health Corps ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera (CA-07), and NDC Future of Work Task Force Co-Chair Bill Foster (IL-11) introduced the bipartisan National Public Health Corps Act to create a new branch of national service, the National Public Health Corps within the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to mobilize service-minded individuals to join the COVID-19 response and support enduring public health needs in communities across the country. This Corps will help full the personnel gap in our current health care sector to ramp up testing, contract tracing and, eventually, distribution of the vaccine. Read more in CNN ([link removed]) .
Allred Introduces Bill to Help Veterans and Caregivers Pay for Personal Protective Equipment ([link removed])
Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32) introduced the Aid and Attendance Support Act to increase by 25% the amount paid to disabled veterans to assist with their daily activities to help cover new COVID-19 related expenses for 60 days, including purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) for veterans and their caregivers.
Spanberger Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Require Report on Full Scope of COVID-19 Testing ([link removed])
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) introduced bipartisan legislation to require comprehensive development, regulation, and deployment of COVID-19 diagnostic tests to increase transparency and accountability of the Food and Drug Administration.
Crow, Panetta Introduce Legislation to Create ‘Health Force,’ ‘Resilience Force,’ and Expand Public Health Response to COVID-19 ([link removed])
Reps. Jason Crow ([link removed]) (CO-06) and Jimmy Panetta ([link removed]) (CA-20) introduced legislation to create the Health Force through recruitment, training, and employment of Americans to expand the public health workforce to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen America’s longer-term public health response.
Davids Introduces Legislation to Create Federal Grants for Companies to Make COVID-19 Supplies ([link removed])
Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-03) introduced the SUPPLIES Act to increase the supply of equipment like face masks, hospital gowns, ventilators, and testing materials needed to fight the coronavirus and keep frontline workers safe.
Trahan Introduces Legislation to Strengthen American Manufacturing and Ensure Readiness During Public Health Emergencies ([link removed])
Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03) introduced the Pandemic Production Act (PPA) to keep health care workers safe during future infectious disease outbreaks, including a second COVID-19 surge, while also reinvesting in quality, well-paid manufacturing jobs to get the American people back to work post-coronavirus.
Axne Introduces Legislation to Provide Support to Rural Renters ([link removed])
Rep. Cindy Axne ([link removed]) (IA-03) introduced the Protect Rural Renters Act to provide additional funding to support rural renters during the coronavirus outbreak. The legislation would add funding to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Section 515 and Section 521 rental housing programs, which help elderly and low-income Americans in rural areas find rental housing and stay in their homes.
COVID-19 Actions
Kuster, Pappas Send Letter to Treasury to Strengthen Paycheck Protection Program ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas ([link removed]) (NH-01) sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin calling on the Treasury to make adjustments to the Payroll Protection Program so that it can more effectively serve the needs of small businesses.
Trone, Sewell Lead Letter to Bicameral Leaders Calling for the Deployment of High-Speed Broadband Internet ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Terri Sewell ([link removed]) (AL-07) and Rep. David Trone ([link removed]) (MD-06), along with 34 New Dem Members, sent a letter ([link removed]) to House and Senate Leadership, urging them to include funding in future COVID-19 relief packages for the deployment of high-speed broadband internet throughout the country.
Kilmer Leads Letter Calling on FCC to Ensure Students Have Access to Broadband ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), along with Reps. Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), Gil Cisneros (CA-39), Annie Kuster (NH-02), Joe Morelle (NY-25), Steven Horsford (NV-04), Ed Case (HI-01), and André Carson (IN-07), sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission to take the steps necessary to ensure students have adequate access to broadband while protecting consumers from unnecessary data caps and unexpected fees.
Cisneros Leads Bipartisan Letter to HHS & DOD on Replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile ([link removed])
Rep. Gil Cisneros (CA-39), along with 12 New Dem Members, sent a letter ([link removed]) to Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Secretary of Department of Defense (DOD) urging them to support small businesses producing personal protective equipment and replenish the Strategic National Stockpile.
Sherrill Issues Statement Following Governor’s Decision to Allow for Curbside Pickup ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Whip Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) issued a statement on the Governor’s decision to allow for curbside pickup for New Jersey businesses. This decision comes after she sent a letter ([link removed]) to the Governor of New Jersey outlining feedback from her recovery initiatives, highlighting curbside pickup as one of the measures that the state could take to provide relief to small businesses while ensuring public safety.
Rose Sends Letter to DHS Calling for Increased Oversight & Transparency of China’s Handling of COVID-19 ([link removed])
Rep. Max Rose (NY-11) sent a bipartisan letter ([link removed]) to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) to increase focus on China and provide details of its intelligence assessments on China’s actions related to the pandemic.
Allred Urges HHS and FEMA to Support Dallas Community Testing Sites ([link removed])
Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32) sent a letter ([link removed]) to HHS and the Federal Emergency Management Agency urging the federal government to continue to support Dallas County by providing 1,000 tests a day to support community-based testing sites.
Rep. Axne Demands Financial Transparency for Federal and State COVID-19 Relief Efforts in Iowa ([link removed])
Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) sent letters to eight different agencies ([link removed]) to demand detailed accounting for how taxpayer dollars are being spent to fight the disease and its effects in Iowa.
Luria Calls on USDA to Assist Virginia Fishery, Aquaculture Industries ([link removed])
Rep. Elaine Luria (VA-02), along with Reps. A. Donald McEachin (VA-04), Jennifer Wexton (VA-10), and Gerry Connolly (VA-11), sent a bipartisan letter ([link removed]) to the Secretary of Commerce urging for additional relief funding for Virginia’s fisheries and seeking transparency regarding the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s recently released funding allocation.
Spanberger Calls on IRS to Distribute Stimulus Checks ASAP, Resume Customer Service Operations ([link removed])
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-07), along with Reps. Lou Correa (CA-46), Jim Costa (CA-16), Elaine Luria (VA-02), Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15), NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), Ed Case (HI-01), and Darren Soto (FL-09), sent a letter ([link removed]) to the IRS calling for additional information on the status of economic impact payments to taxpayers, as well as to provide answers about the unacceptable lack of customer service resources available to Americans looking for answers about their payment status.
Stevens Leads Bipartisan Effort to Support Auto Industry, Suppliers ([link removed])
Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11) led two bipartisan efforts to support the U.S. auto industry through:
* A bipartisan letter ([link removed]) , along with Reps. Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) and Brenda Lawrence (MI-14), to the Trump Administration requesting an immediate dialogue to support the auto supply parts industry in Michigan and across the country amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
* A bipartisan letter ([link removed]) with NDC Vice Chair Terri Sewell (AL-07) urging House Leadership to support jobs and economic stabilization of the auto industry in future COVID-19 relief packages.
Harder: “We Need a Coronavirus Service Corps to Help America and Our Vulnerable Young People” via USA Today ([link removed])
Rep. Josh Harder (CA-10) penned an op-ed in USA Today addressing the need to establish a Coronavirus Service Corps to give American youth opportunity during the COVID-19 health and job crises: “Let's put young people to work filling jobs we need as the result of the coronavirus. It’s called the Coronavirus Service Corps ([link removed]) and it’s modeled after FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps… This organization would provide employment opportunities for up to a year for Americans at least 18 years old. Participants would be split up into groups based on areas of interest and experience, and work toward specific goals related to safely returning to normal life.”
Cisneros, Rouda: We Can’t Let Cities and States Go Under via The Orange County Register ([link removed])
Reps. Gil Cisneros (CA-39) and Harley Rouda (CA-48) penned an op-ed addressing the crucial need for funding and federal support for state and local governments: “While we must focus on strengthening our public health response, we must also include the necessary support for our states and cities. They need to know that we have their backs, regardless of party politics. This crisis has revealed that there’s not a single community in the United States that hasn’t been affected by COVID-19. No one should be left behind.”
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