Dear John,
As 2024 winds down, we are readying ourselves for what could be very challenging times for academic freedom and higher education for the common good. Thank you to the generous supporters who have already made a year-end gift to the AAUP Foundation, the charitable and educational arm of the AAUP and an important underwriter of initiatives and programs that we can't fund with member dues alone.
If you haven't had a chance to give yet, please make a tax-deductible donation to the AAUP Foundation before the new year.
The Foundation supports work that is critical to our mission of protecting academic freedom and higher education. Since its inception, the Foundation's Academic Freedom Fund has approved close to two million dollars in grants; many have gone to individual faculty members to assist them when their academic freedom has been threatened. The fund also underwrites education and research about academic freedom. The Legal Defense Fund has helped professors across the country in lawsuits involving legal issues of national significance in higher education.
We welcome gifts to these special funds, or can allocate your gift to the areas of greatest need.
Special recognition goes to our dedicated supporters who contribute every year, or every month through recurring donations, and to those who have given this year at the Advocate, Beacon, and Luminary levels (starting, respectively, at $500, $1,000, and $5,000). We will acknowledge all donors who do not request anonymity in our annual Honor Roll of Donors.
The Foundation’s mission of protecting and promoting academic freedom and quality higher education in a free and democratic society is both important and urgent. Ongoing political and legislative interference is an existential threat to all US colleges and universities, and higher education as a public good requires all of us to fight to maintain it.
Make your tax-deductible 2024 contribution to support our work in 2025!
Todd Wolfson
President, AAUP and AAUP Foundation
P.S. If you prefer to donate by mail, please make a check payable to "AAUP Foundation" and send to:
AAUP Foundation
555 New Jersey Avenue NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001