. . . LAST CHANCE to get your Christmas Cards . . .
Dear John,
Our beautiful Christmas Cards are ALMOST sold out. If you haven't already got your pack, you will need to order TODAY so that we can send them out to you before the Last Posting Dates for Christmas - Wednesday 18th December (2nd Class Mail) and Friday 20th December (1st Class Mail)
A Pack of 10 cards costs only £5 and all proceeds raised will be faithfully used in Precious Life's crucial work to protect unborn babies and their mothers. Don't miss out - order your cards today - and support a worthy cause this Christmas.
Give us a call now on 02890278484 or email [email protected]
What would Christmas be without the Baby Jesus?
And what will Christmas be like in homes where little ones, lost to abortion, should have been experiencing their first Christmas?
Today, on this cold December 12th, we gathered outside Belfast City Hall around an 'Empty Manger.' We sang carols and prayed for the unborn children whose lives were cut short by abortion.
The Empty Manger stood as a heart-wrenching symbol of the absence, the void, left in a world where these precious lives should have been. It reminded us of the deep emotional and spiritual loss that no woman should ever have to endure—the ache of where a baby’s laughter and love should have filled the air.
In a world heavy with the darkness, sorrow, and despair brought by abortion, our Carol Service sought to be a beacon. We brought the light of hope, the joy of Christmas, and the promise of love to the streets of Belfast—a reminder that even in the bleakest of nights, the message of Christmas shines bright: every life matters, every soul is cherished, and every child is a gift.
View photos and videos of our 'Empty Manger' event here...

DON'T FORGET - we will be out in Belfast City Centre on Saturday with our Street Outreach - bringing the pro-life message directly to the public. If you're passing by, stop and say hello, or if you can spare a half hour, why not give us a hand to collect signatures for our pro-life petition . And our PRO-LIFE VIGILS continue this coming week. If you would like to join us in prayer to protect unborn babies from abortion, contact us today on 02890278484 or email [email protected]
Mother convicted for praying outside abortion centre
A mother-of-four who was dragged before a court, fined, and branded a criminal for praying to protect unborn babies, vows to challenge the court’s ruling...
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