Lessons from Malcolm X, 9/11, & COVID-19
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Assalaamu ‘alaykum John,

Today, we commemorate the legacy of our dear brother El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Malcolm X, and the spirit of activism and passion for justice he embodied and inspired. In light of the unique situation we find ourselves in at this particular moment in history, we take heed of his visionary statement:

One of the most poignant lessons to be learned from the current health crisis is the value of retaining and empowering experts and front-line heroes before tragedy strikes.

The American Muslim community learned this lesson first-hand nineteen years ago.

The first terror prosecutions post-9/11 were fast and furious. At the time, MLFA was limited to hiring lawyers to defend clients after they had been publicly accused. Case-funding was expensive, and largely dependent on local community support. Many cases that had merit had to be turned away. By the time MLFA did take on a case, sometimes it was unfortunately too late.

It was imperative to leverage experience, knowledge, and resources to truly make an impact. Above all, MLFA wanted to be able to come through on its promises to defend and protect the community in the best way possible.

In addition to funding private lawyers, MLFA funded the establishment of a non-profit law center overseen by renowned experts: The Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America (CLCMA). MLFA also retained experienced attorneys, counsel and advisors at the top of their fields to guide this new effort. Hiring salaried attorneys also allowed MLFA to fund the same work at a third of the cost.

This is proving to be an approach that works. Not only is CLCMA gaining credibility in the courts for its impeccable work, but it is also making progress in dismantling some of the most elusive programs that have been impacting the rights and liberties of American Muslims for years. CLCMA is changing the game, and in doing so, changing the narrative that has been scripted for Muslims - one which told a story of guilt by suspicious association.

Building Legal Power for American Muslims also means empowering our community from within with the help of a top corporate law attorney. MLFA's promise is to be there for our communities by proactively engaging them in good governance and legal compliance to ensure that they can withstand challenges and mitigate risks for generations to come.

By protecting our mosques, schools, charities, and institutions, we are investing in their ability to continue having a positive impact in the communities they serve. What we achieve today can set precedents for a brighter future tomorrow - not just for American Muslims, but for all who believe in the promise of America.

John, we are in a very critical time, and by God's Wisdom, during a very special Ramadan. We have a few powerful nights to impact the trajectory of our futures through supplication, charity, and good works. Tonight, the 27th night of Ramadan, can be worth 1000 months.

Will you help us prepare for a brighter future based on the principles of justice that make America a great nation and Islam a beautiful religion?

In faith and for justice,

Khalil Meek
Executive Director
Muslim Legal Fund of America