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Race + Power Weekly

In today’s Race + Power newsletter, we explore ideas and pivotal moments shaping the pursuit of racial justice today. First, the final installment of a new three-part series on the Critical Theory of Love. Reimagining love is essential for social justice. The Critical Theory of Love provides a framework for love that addresses power, oppression, and intersectionality. Next, in California, two commissions seek to advance reparative justice. Can Indigenous and Black residents build the solidarity needed for success? Then, we delve into the growing global push to repatriate looted cultural artifacts. Recent successes have underscored the moral imperative to restore these items, addressing colonial-era injustices and healing generational trauma. Finally, as we approach the end of the year, we sincerely appreciate your support for NPQ and invite you to contribute to support our mission.

The Critical Theory of Love: Reconceptualizing Love for Social Justice

“Without an adequate understanding, an empowering love is displaced by an uncritical love, a form that operates as a mechanism to perpetuate White supremacy, racism, and other forms of oppression.” Read more... 
A/B Split Testing for Email Marketing
Founder and CEO, Jeanne Jennings provides you a guide to boosting bottom-line performance.  With 10+ years of experience, she shows you what she has learned in improving in performance testing. Learn more through the complimentary guide.
Download the guide here.

Toward Solidarity: Reparations and Land Back on California’s Horizon

The need for solidarity between Black and Indigenous communities and for a new solidarity narrative has never been more pressing. Read more... 
Order The Nicholson Foundation’s book, free!
The Nicholson Foundation addressed the needs of vulnerable populations in New Jersey's underserved communities. Learn how timely ideas and nonprofit alliances helped government retool. Changing Systems, Changing Lives, Reflecting on 20 years recounts stories and lessons about improving New Jersey’s social and human services.
Visit their blog and order the free book HERE!

Reclaiming Heritage: The Global Push for Repatriation of Looted Artifacts

“What countries want back are pieces that are extremely rare, sacred, or with direct ties to ancestors.” Read more…
Email Marketing for non-profits
Improve Your Email Marketing, Exceed Your Organization’s Goals. It is the most cost-effective way of driving awareness, donations, or whatever get your bottom-line goal. Watch Marigold’s On-Demand webinar to learn more about it.
Download the free webinar here.

NPQ Needs Your Support 

NPQ envisions a world in which we live in an active democracy whose values are fully grounded in human rights, economic and social justice, racial equity, and thriving communities. As a nonprofit organization,  NPQ relies on supporter contributions. Please donate today... 
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