Welcome to Sonke’s fourth and last edition of the 2024 quarterly newsletter! This edition reflects on the last interventions of this year, in a quest to advance gender justice. Read about our contribution to this year’s 16 Days of Activism campaign, how we prevent GBV and the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Northern Cape. Peruse our 2023/4 Annual report.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Sonke joined the globe to mark the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence campaign, this year under the theme “Towards 30 years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: UNITE to end violence against women and girls”. We used the campaign to strengthen interventions of raising awareness of the global scourge of violence and urged governments to implement commitments made to eliminate violence.
Adolescents and teens
“Eyolutsha leMpumaKapa” youth-led project
Learners from four of the Eastern Cape province’s high schools have been selected as youth ambassadors to advocate for issues affecting adolescents, by meaningfully participating in decision-making spaces. This is through the “Promotion of children: SRHR, advocacy and youth participation’’ project, as supported by donor KNH.
The prevention of GBV and the spread of HIV in the Northern Cape
Interventions to prevent gender-based violence and femicide as well as the spread of HIV/Aids are ongoing in South Africa’s Northern Cape province in Platfontein. Through this project, Sonke strengthens the capacity of underserved communities in the province, targeting among other groups, the Khoi and San communities, adolescent girls and LGBTQI+ individuals.
GBV Not My Heritage campaign challenges harmful norms
Sonke launched the annual #GBVNotMyHeritage campaign under Generation Gender programme in October, at the programme’s implementation sites in Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, and Gauteng. The campaign calls on communities, traditional leaders, and religious leaders to take an active stance in condemning GBV in all forms.
adolescents and teens
Meaningful and inclusive youth participation: The youth perspective
Power To Youth program young leaders recently met in Malawi, to share their respective leadership journeys and perspectives of meaningful and inclusive youth participation based on local realities. The youth advocates are working hard to ensure more youth safe spaces in promoting access to sexual reproductive health and rights services, and engaging youth to work with men as allies for gender equality. Read here
Sonke and Concern Worldwide partnership review
Sonke Gender Justice and Concern Worldwide met for a review and planning meeting in August, in Dublin Ireland, reflected on the progress the collaboration has made in the quest for gender justice. The two organisations have partnered since 2017 to strengthen the work of engaging with men and women for gender transformation within their programs.
DONOR CORNER: Irene M. Staehelin Foundation
Sonke is appreciative of the generous support provided by the Irene M. Staehelin Foundation, a charitable organisation dedicated to promoting social justice and human rights around the world. Through this collaboration, Sonke has been able to strengthen community-driven approaches that empower marginalized populations, challenge harmful gender norms, and promote equitable health services.
Catch up on our latest blogs and opinion pieces here and share your thoughts on our social media pages, using #SonkeOpinions.
The Power of Partnerships
Sonke Annual Report 2023/4
Contributors List: Editor – Kgomotso Mophulane, Writers – Eucharia Nkengafack, Mariley Liebenberg,
Design & Layout – ALT Advisory
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