
We just sat down (virtually, of course) for our weekly budget meeting — and we have some bad news to share:

We found a $6,318 gap in our numbers, and we only have until midnight to make up the difference.

This is a difficult time for many folks, and we completely understand why our numbers have taken a dip. But our budget accounts for everything from our voter outreach operation to digital ads to fighting back against the GOP’s attacks — and coming up short jeopardizes our entire campaign.

With dark money and GOP groups outspending us 2:1 on the airwaves, we’re depending on grassroots donations from emails like this to flip Colorado’s Senate seat and take back the majority for Democrats. That’s why we’re turning to you right now:

If you can, will you donate $10 or more right now to help us make up this fundraising gap by midnight tonight? It’s critically important we stay on track every single day:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re ahead in the polls and have a really good shot at flipping this Senate seat — all without John accepting a single penny from corporate PACs. That’s why your donation today is so important.

— Team Hick