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Dear John,

Many of us are still grappling with the aftermath of the federal election results, as the choices made threaten our immigrant families and neighbors and could reshape the very fabric of our country. But we have the power to take control of our future right here in New York—by taking bold steps to create a New York where everyone has a chance to thrive.

Through extensive input from more than 100 different organizations and partners throughout the state, the NYIC has created Empire State Rising: A Blueprint for Immigrant Progress and Justice, an ambitious ten-year roadmap to enhance the rights and opportunities of all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status.

Read Our Blueprint Now!

In order to achieve true equity, opportunity, and inclusion for all New Yorkers, our Blueprint outlines a clear path for progress in how we welcome newcomers and advance climate justice. Empire State Rising focuses on five key areas that are critical to the well-being and future of immigrant and other vulnerable communities:

  • Ending state support for deportation and detention
  • Building political power
  • Ensuring quality education for all
  • Promoting economic justice
  • Fostering healthy, thriving communities

Drawing from the NYIC’s history of leading and winning major campaigns, which include expanding access to driver’s licenses and Medicaid, passing the NYS Dream Act and Protect Our Courts Act, and removing the racist citizenship question from the 2020 census to deliver billions of dollars to New York—this blueprint offers community-driven solutions that will deliver material conditional change for all New Yorkers through specific policy proposals.

New York can continue its legacy as a beacon of hope, progress, and opportunity for immigrants by pursuing the Blueprint’s roadmap. By empowering immigrants, we can build a future where every New Yorker has the opportunity to succeed and contribute to the state’s growth.

Together, we can make this vision a reality. We are committed to this fight, and with your continued support, we can reshape the future of New York.

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
President and CEO

Read Our Blueprint Now!

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