Hi Reader,
Newsrooms across the country are facing big challenges, but there’s a silver lining: Readers like you are stepping up to keep impactful journalism alive. As local newsrooms shrink or close, communities lose vital reporting on the institutions and issues that matter most. Investigative journalism, with its unique ability to hold power accountable and strengthen our democracy, is especially at risk — but there’s hope.
Thanks to your support, the future of ProPublica is bright. As a nonprofit newsroom, we’re not reliant on ads or short-term investors. Instead, donations from people like you fuel our growth and help us fill the gaps in accountability journalism nationwide. With your help, we’ve been able to publish stories that make a difference, from Idaho to Hawaii to Wisconsin and to many other corners of the country. Together, we’re building a stronger, more informed democracy.
For example, Mississippi has long utilized civil commitment, the practice of jailing people waiting for court-ordered mental health treatment, even though they haven’t been charged with a crime. ProPublica and Mississippi Today partnered up and spent months shining a light on the harm this causes to individuals as well as the strain on public resources. Following our reporting, state lawmakers acted to limit when people can be jailed as they go through the civil commitment process. The bill’s sponsors said our reporting prompted them to act. “The deficiencies have been outlined and they’re being corrected.”
As a reader of ProPublica, you know how important it is for journalists to have the freedom, resources and ability to pursue stories that shine a light on corruption, miscarriages of justice and other wrongdoing. We’re so grateful to our supporters for giving us the ability to make a difference where it’s most needed. I’m asking you to join us today with your year-end donation of any amount and help power one of the largest teams of investigative journalists in the country.
Thanks so much,
Tova Genesen
Proud ProPublican