In Gaza, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is working around the clock with Palestinian partners to alleviate suffering and save lives.
The IRC's Vice President of Emergency Programs, Bob Kitchen, visited Gaza earlier this year. We wanted to share his video message with you.
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The level of destruction and suffering in Gaza right now is unprecedented. But thanks to kind supporters like you, we are making a real impact. ⬇️
"The IRC is working around the clock, alongside incredible Palestinian partners, to do everything we can to save lives."
—Bob Kitchen, IRC
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Because of your support, we're making a massive difference on the ground.
→ We have provided more than 700 surgical interventions and delivered 46 metric tons of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in Gaza through our Emergency Medical Teams in partnership with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).
→ We distributed 1,700 fresh vegetable baskets, in partnership with Agriculture for Development (PARC) and have distributed cash assistance to hundreds of families.
→ We've launched mobile community centers in partnership with Nafs to children and families in Gaza and the West Bank.
All of these efforts are only possible with the support of people like you. The IRC is committed to continuing to save lives in Gaza and other crisis zones, and plans to scale programming as soon as a ceasefire is in place. Thank you again.
Read more about the IRC's response and ways you can help >>
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