A brief explainer

The True Cost of Our Corrupt Healthcare System

Hi John,

Americans are fed up with corporate greed and the way it's infecting every aspect of our healthcare system.

It's a deadly spiral – broken systems and institutions driven by corporate greed allow corruption to flourish. And who pays the price, both in health and in our pocketbooks? Us, the everyday citizens. 

While we can (and should) be angry about the way our healthcare system costs more and produces worse outcomes than in other developed countries, where we should focus our anger - and action - is on the system that enables this totally legal corruption to flourish

In 2024, the entire healthcare sector spent over $500 million on lobbying, more than any other industry 🤯 They lobbied to block reforms like universal healthcare, drug pricing caps, and stricter oversight on insurance practices, prioritizing profits over people.

Title of Lobbying Sectors Ranked, and then a list of Health, Finance/Insurance/Real Estae, Communications/Electronics, and Misc Business. Source: Open Secrets


And it's a self-perpetuating cycle: currently, around 2,000 former members of Congress or their staff now lobby for the healthcare industry. This "revolving door" means lawmakers craft policies benefiting corporations, and then cash in by working for those same corporations once they leave office. 

Change is possible. To fix the dysfunction in our healthcare, we first have to fix the broken and corrupt system that perpetuates it, with reforms that 

All of which will make our political system stronger, more representative, and less open to influence by the highest bidder. 

Corruption is a virus that is infecting our entire society. Are you ready to stop the spread? 


Stop the Spread



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