Republican Jewish Coalition

John -- 

This year we have a great opportunity to put another great Jewish Republican in Congress. That’s why the RJC PAC is proud to endorse Lisa Scheller for Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional district. While we already have two amazing Jewish Republicans in Congress, Lisa would be a terrific addition.

Lisa is a good friend of the RJC and a strong candidate. There is no question she will be a highly impactful Member of Congress from day one. Lisa is a successful business owner and job creator who knows how to help President Trump get our economy back to its historically great level. She has done amazing things in her life, but one of the most impressive is overcoming her addiction to heroin and alcohol. True to form, she is now doing amazing work in Pennsylvania to help others overcome their addictions. 

Lisa is a fierce defender of Israel and even has a home there. She speaks Hebrew fluently and is outspoken about the pride she derives from being Jewish. 

This race is very close, that’s why high profile Republicans like Leader Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney, and Elise Stefanik have already endorsed Lisa. The NRCC has made this one of their top pick-up opportunity races. This is one of a small handful of races that will determine which party controls Congress. So the question is, will you support Lisa Scheller in her effort to kick Nancy Pelosi out of the Speaker’s chair?



Matt Brooks

Executive Director


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