And how you can help
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We still need more donors to join us by midnight to make sure we have the resources for the huge fight ahead. Will you be one of them?
Graphic that reads 'Deadline Tonight' in pink at the top, with a black background and white countdown clock counting down to midnight on December 11, 2024. Underneath is a pink button with white text that reads 'Donate Now'
Abortion rights are under attack across the country, and that's not going to change without immediate action. Here's what we're going to do about it:

Fight attacks at the national level by blocking dangerous policies from the new administration
Strengthen state power and influence to expand abortion access across the country
Join with partners and mobilize supporters to mitigate harm against immigrants and LGBTQ+ people, as well as Black, Latino, and other communities of color
You can power this work with a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund by midnight tonight. To show our thanks, we'll send you a free "I Fight For Planned Parenthood" sticker with your gift before the deadline.
Pink and blue GIF with the words 'Claim your free sticker when you give now!' with a picture of the pink Planned Parenthood Action Fund sticker that reads 'I fight for Planned Parenthood' in the middle and a blue 'Donate Now' button at the bottom
Donate Now
This fight is not over. In the coming weeks and months, we need to be prepared to fight against a national abortion ban and further restrictions to basic health care access.

It's not going to be easy, but we know a future where everyone, everywhere has reproductive freedom is possible.

Give to Planned Parenthood Action Fund now and be one of the donors we need by midnight to power the fight ahead by providing urgent resources. We'll also send you a free sticker so you can show the world that you're a part of this movement.

Thank you for being with us,


— Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Donate Now
P.S. We need your generosity more than ever — the future of our reproductive freedom depends on it. But if you aren't in a place to give this year or already made your year‑end gift, we understand that. If you'd like to receive fewer messages from us for the rest of the year, you can submit a request here.

© 2024 Planned Parenthood Action Fund