Dear John

Concerned about pesticide residues in your food?

The Dirty Dozen is based on PAN UK’s analysis of the UK government’s pesticide residue testing programme and reveals the produce most likely to contain cocktails of multiple pesticides (i.e. residues of more than one pesticide). The list is based on results from 2023 - the most recent year for which data is available.

Topping the list this year is soft citrus, which includes satsumas, tangerines and clementines. Despite some food items showing residues of up to 12 different pesticides, government safety limits continue to be set for just one chemical at a time, ignoring evidence that chemicals can become more harmful when combined.

We hope that you find our new guide useful and ask that you please consider donating to support our ongoing endeavour to detoxify the UK for a healthier and more sustainable future. We are the only UK charity focused on tackling the problems caused by pesticides and endlessly struggle to raise funds. We're small and dynamic and with support from people like you we're able to have lasting impact!

And if you have already donated, thank you!

In solidarity,

the team at PAN UK