HERE’S THE BAD NEWS: We have a chance to REVOKE Trump’s immunity before he takes office – but you haven’t stepped up yet!
HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: You have ONE MORE CHANCE to sign on to our petition to support the No Kings Act!
We need 25,000 signatures by TONIGHT, and you’re one of 5 missing from 19125: Add your signature now to help REVOKE Trump’s immunity! »
Defend Democracy Now

We still have HOPE to reign in Donald Trump during his second term as president!
The No Kings Act would revoke his presidential immunity and once again hold him accountable if he commits crimes!
This would be a MAJOR guardrail, and we must fight with all we’ve got to make sure it passes!
25,000 SIGNATURE GOAL: Add your name in support of the No Kings Act to revoke Trump’s immunity »
Thank you,
Defend Democracy Now