From Cystic Fibrosis Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject You're the key to a cure
Date December 10, 2024 8:27 PM
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Make a difference this holiday season

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Joseph Rosano, a pharmacist from Connecticut, has no personal connection to cystic fibrosis.

However, after being nominated for Connecticut's Finest, an event hosted by the CF Foundation that recognizes outstanding professionals, he felt compelled to drive change for people with CF. He walked at Great Strides, ran the New York City Marathon with the Breathe Team, and advocated on Capitol Hill. Along the way, he met people with CF and their families and was moved by their stories.

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"Now, I'm in it for the long run," he said. "I'm watching my CF patients reach new milestones, and my motivation is for every person with CF to have those opportunities."

Joseph’s story is a testament to how one person can make a difference ([link removed]).

So can you.

Today, while we've made significant advances with more therapies than ever before, people with cystic fibrosis need more breakthroughs and ultimately, a cure. Everyone with this disease should have the opportunity to live a long, fulfilling life.

Help supercharge our mission as we advance genetic therapies that could benefit everyone with cystic fibrosis -- and potentially others with genetic diseases.
Make your gift today ([link removed]).

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4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 1100N | Bethesda, MD 20814 US

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