There’s a lot to consider when deciding where to apply to college. Tuition costs and financial aid are certainly high on the list, but what about questions about campus culture and free speech policies?
We can’t claim to know what college is best for anyone, but we do hope to provide resources to help students make their best choices. We’ve created a whole suite of tools with data that can answer questions about what life might be like for prospective students at thousands of colleges and universities across the country.
Tuition Tracker takes public information that is spread over various college and government websites and puts it into one, easy-to-navigate page, where students and families can find out the average price for each college based on their family’s income.
The College Welcome Guide is a collection of interactive charts and maps for thousands of colleges that can help students explore (by state or by institution) data on things such as hate crimes, anti-LGBTQ legislation, state abortion laws and the numbers of students who identify as Black, rural, military veterans, LGBTQ+ or from other backgrounds.
The Offer Letter Decoder helps college applicants understand the financial aid offer letter they receive from a college or university. The tool scans this letter and identifies what portion of the aid offered is a grant or a scholarship that doesn’t need to be paid back and what is a student loan (a debt that does need to be paid back).
The College Closure Tracker documents the more than 800 colleges and universities that have closed since 2008.
Can you pitch in with a donation to help us maintain these tools and allow students and families to make informed choices about where they attend college?