We are inspired every day by the resilience and passion of young people. Children are so bravely responding to big challenges. It is children who are advocates for the change they want to see around the world and for their futures.
UNICEF’s work is guided by the perspectives and needs of children.
So we recently asked children to write letters describing the kind of world they want to see by the year 2050 — and their responses are heartening. See their heartfelt wishes for safety, good health, opportunities to learn, an end to war and more >> |
Our UNICEF family, including you, has not only helped change the lives of children this year, it has empowered children to advocate for the changes they want to see in the world. You have helped amplify their voices through your support, and, in doing so, inspired hope for the future. For this we are incredibly grateful. Thank you for caring for every child.
Thanks to UNICEF supporters like you, this past year children were able to:
Speak out to defend their rights and stop violations against them
Bring attention to climate challenges and propose tangible solutions
Oppose harmful practices like child marriage, bullying and gender inequality
Organize to call for more support for mental health
I hope you are inspired by how children are making a difference, and how your support is ensuring that they can, as much as I am. As we aim to close this year on a high note, let’s take this feeling of optimism into the new year and beyond.
Thank you for being here,
Shannon Coffey