California Democrats,
The California Democratic Party is thrilled to announce that registration for the 2025 ADEM Election opened TODAY, December 9 at 12 p.m. and closes Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.!
This is your chance to become an Assembly District Delegate and join CADEM in supporting Democrats at every level. As a delegate, you’ll:
Increase your political impact by voting for the endorsements of the California Democratic Party for partisan legislative and statewide office in California;
Vote for positions we take on the Ballot Propositions;
Build a community with passionate and diverse California Democrats;
Take on greater responsibility as a voice for your local district when establishing the official California Democratic State Platform (in even-numbered years); and
Elect 16-25 CADEM Regional Directors who function as your liaison between the California Democratic Party, County Central Committees, and Democratic Party Clubs.
The biennial meetings to elect Assembly District Delegates and Executive Board Representatives of the California Democratic Party will be held February 22-23, 2025.
Any Democrat registered to vote in California is eligible to run for Assembly District Delegate and/or Executive Board Representative, provided they are a registered Democrat and reside in the relevant Assembly District by November 5, 2024.
Candidates who cannot register to vote due to citizenship status are still eligible to participate in the 2025 ADEM Procedures. If you are unable to register to vote by reason of citizenship status and would like to run as a candidate, please use this form. This registration process will be subject to the same registration timeline and due date.
A $40 filing fee is required at the time of application.
Candidate Statement (optional) Submission period opens January 9, 2025 at 12:00pm. If the Assembly District Delegate/Executive Board Representative candidate chooses to include an optional statement (2400 characters), no edits or future statements will be accepted once it has been processed and approved by CADEM Staff.